I am a post-doc in the Quantum Matter Theory group at the Centre Européen de Sciences Quantiques (CESQ) - Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) of the University of Strasbourg.
I obtained my double Ph.D. degree in Physics in the International Doctoral Program in Science jointly offered by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and University of Notre Dame. During my Ph.D. I worked between the Quantum Biology group, under the supervision of Prof. G. Luca Celardo and Prof. Fausto Borgonovi (UCSC), and the Condensed Matter group, under the supervision of Prof. Boldizsár Jankó (UND).
I received my Master's degree in Physics from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and I wrote my thesis under the supervision of Prof. G. Luca Celardo and Prof. Fausto Borgonovi.
I am interested in quantum systems strongly coupled to optical cavities, the interplay of cooperativity with disorder and noise and their implications on quantum transport, also in the context of many body physics.
Address: |
Centre Européen de Sciences Quantiques (CESQ) - Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) University of Strasbourg Bâtiment 120 23 rue du Loess CS 94048 67034 Strasbourg, France |
Room: |
118 |
Phone: |
+33 (0)3 68 85 52 16 |
E-mail: |
mattiotti@unistra.fr |